20+ Years Experience

Specialist Stairlifts

Case Studies

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Here are just a few examples of the case studies we’ve carried out here at Certified Stairlifts:

Case Study 1: Mr. Smith’s Independent Living Solution Client:

Mr. Smith, an elderly gentleman residing in Manchester, was facing challenges navigating the stairs in his two-story home due to limited mobility. Certified Stairlifts assessed his needs and recommended a tailored solution.

A straight stairlift from their range of high-quality products was chosen to fit Mr. Smith’s staircase design.

The installation was carried out smoothly, ensuring minimal disruption to his daily routine. With his new stairlift, Mr. Smith regained independence, safely accessing both levels of his home with ease.

Case Study 2: Mrs. Johnson’s Customised Stairlift Solution

Mrs. Johnson, living in a Victorian townhouse in Chester, required a customised stairlift to accommodate her unique staircase design. Certified Stairlifts worked closely with Mrs. Johnson, conducting a thorough assessment and measurements of her curved staircase.

A bespoke curved stairlift was designed and installed, perfectly fitting the architectural intricacies of her home. Mrs. Johnson was delighted with the final result, as the stairlift not only provided her with the necessary mobility assistance but also complemented the aesthetic appeal of her residence.

Case Study 3: Mr. Chen’s Accessibility Upgrade

Mr. Chen, a retiree in Birmingham, sought a solution to improve accessibility in his split-level home. Certified Stairlifts recommended a platform lift installation to accommodate his unique requirements.

The team carefully installed the platform lift, allowing Mr. Chen to effortlessly access different levels of his home in his wheelchair. The installation was completed with attention to detail, ensuring optimal functionality and safety. Mr. Chen was grateful for the increased independence and convenience brought about by the platform lift.

Case Study 4: Mrs. Rodriguez’s Safety Enhancement

Client: Maria Rodriguez

Location: Bristol

Mrs. Rodriguez, a homeowner in Bristol desired a safety upgrade for the staircase in her multi-level house. Certified Stairlifts proposed the installation of a stairlift with additional safety features, including a swivel seat and a retractable seatbelt. T

hese features provided Mrs. Rodriguez with a secure and comfortable ride up and down her stairs. The installation was seamlessly carried out by Certified Stairlifts’ experienced technicians, leaving Mrs. Rodriguez with peace of mind and increased mobility within her home.

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