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Reconditioned Stairlifts

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In the quest for independence and mobility, reconditioned stairlifts have become an increasingly popular option for those seeking an affordable yet reliable solution.

These devices offer all the benefits of a brand-new reconditioned stairlift cost, without the hefty price tag. But what exactly are reconditioned stairlifts, and how do you go about finding a quality one?

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In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the mysteries of reconditioned stairlifts and provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision for you or your loved one’s needs.

Understanding Reconditioned Stairlifts

A reconditioned stairlift is a pre-owned or used stairlift that has been prepared to the highest standards, offering the same quality assurance as when purchasing a new one.

This means that you can trust the safety and performance of a reconditioned stairlift just as much as a brand-new one.

The main advantage of opting for a reconditioned stairlift is the considerable cost savings, as well as being an eco-friendly choice.

It is important to note that there is a distinction between a used stairlift and a reconditioned stairlift.

A reconditioned stairlift has been meticulously restored and installed by the manufacturer or an authorised provider, whereas a second-hand stairlift has not.

Most companies provide the same labour warranty and post-purchase services for their reconditioned stairlifts as they would with new ones, giving you peace of mind in your purchase.

When considering a reconditioned stairlift, it’s essential to find a reputable company that offers a quality range of reconditioned stairlifts for both straight and curved staircases.

Be sure to inquire about extended warranties, as well as any additional services extra features or support provided by the company.

The Reconditioning Process

The reconditioning process begins with the acquisition of the highest quality pre-owned stairlift models, known for their reliability and construction quality.

Next, the stairlift undergoes a thorough 20-point safety check, with any worn parts being replaced or repaired, and batteries and upholstery being replaced if necessary.

Major components, such as over-speed governors, batteries, PCBs, motors, and rollers, are carefully examined.

Where needed, they are either fully reconditioned or replaced with brand-new parts. After the reconditioning process is complete, rigorous testing is conducted to ensure the stairlift is in perfect working order.

This includes testing all operational parts, such as arm controls, remote controls, and swivelling mechanisms, as well as all safety elements like sensors, electrical braking systems, safety belts, and final limits.

By opting for a reconditioned stairlift, you are not only saving money but also contributing to the circular economy by reusing a valuable piece of mobility equipment.

Rest assured that a more fully tested, reconditioned stairlift will offer the same level of safety and performance as a brand-new one.

Types of Reconditioned Stairlifts

There are several types of reconditioned stairlifts available to accommodate various staircase sizes and shapes, including straight, curved, outdoor, and narrow stairlifts.

The size and shape of your staircase are the primary considerations when determining the type of reconditioned stairlift that can be installed.

Seated and perch stairlifts are available, catering to different mobility needs. Reconditioned curved stairlifts, for example, are custom-made to fit unique spaces and comprise a brand-new rail, a pre-owned power unit, new batteries, seats, and rollers.

Outdoor stairlifts are made with materials that can stand up to the elements. This makes them different from indoor stairlifts which don’t need the same level of protection.

Whatever your specific requirements, there is an economical option for a reconditioned stairlift to suit your needs.

Pricing and Installation of Reconditioned Stairlifts

The cost of reconditioned stairlifts varies, with prices ranging from £875 to £2,975. Reconditioned curved stairlifts tend to be more expensive than straight-used stairlifts, with an average cost of approximately £2,500.

It is important to consider various factors when assessing the cost of a reconditioned stairlift, such as compatibility with the staircase and mobility requirements.

Purchasing from a reliable vendor with a comprehensive warranty, and seeking the advice of an experienced installer.

In addition to the cost of the stairlift itself, there may be additional charges for installation. However, it is essential to weigh these costs against the long-term benefits of increased mobility and independence.

We Can Help

Major stairlift companies provide various financing options to facilitate the purchase of their mobility aids.

Such as Equity Release, a financial product that enables individuals to access the equity in their homes to fund a stairlift.

Eligible individuals may also qualify for VAT exemption, which can reduce costs by a sixth.

When comparing prices, it’s crucial to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.

This means not only considering the initial cost, but also the quality and safety of the reconditioned stairlift, the warranty provided, and the ongoing support and services offered by the vendor.

Top Brands for Reconditioned Stairlifts

When searching for a reconditioned stairlift, it’s important to consider reputable brands known for their quality and reliability.

Popular brands for reconditioned stairlifts include Acorn, Brooks, Minivator, Handicare, and Access.

These manufacturers offer a diverse range of reconditioned stairlifts, ensuring that you can find the perfect solution for your mobility needs.

Additionally, purchasing from a well-known brand means that you can trust the quality and safety of the reconditioned and stairlift products, as well as benefit from their extensive experience and customer support.

Safety Features and Warranties

Safety is of paramount importance when it comes to reconditioned stairlifts. Ensuring that falls and injuries are prevented, these stairlifts come with a range of safety features designed to keep users safe and secure.

The same warranty as for brand-new stairlifts is applicable for reconditioned or refurbished stairlifts, encompassing components, labour, and call-outs, with extended warranties also available.

When reviewing the warranty for a reconditioned stairlift, it’s essential to ensure that it covers a minimum of one year from the time of installation and includes any performance issues that could impede the normal functioning of the device.

Ensure that the gearbox, rail, and motor are all appropriately covered. Additionally, make sure product documentation and a full labour warranty is included.

Tips for Choosing the Right Reconditioned Stairlift

Before purchasing a reconditioned stairlift, the user’s level of mobility should be the primary consideration.

It is crucial to communicate your mobility requirements to the dealer to ensure that the stairlift meets your specific needs.

Other factors to consider include the dimensions and configuration of your staircase, as well as any additional features you may require, such as seating options or safety features.

It’s also essential to obtain counsel from a dependable provider and select a company that you can trust.

Make sure to consider the reputation of the company, the quality of its products, and the level of customer support and after-sales service they provide.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask questions and gather as much information as possible before making your final decision.

This includes inquiring about the various stairlift models available, financing options, and any other inquiries you may have.

The more informed you are, the better equipped you will be to make the best choice for you or your loved one’s needs.

Renting vs. Buying Reconditioned Stairlifts

Renting a reconditioned stairlift may be more economically viable in the short term, with an initial fee ranging from £350 to over £1,000 and subsequent payments required for the duration of the contract.

When considering a reconditioned stairlift, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of renting versus buying.

The primary drawback is that you will need to pay a periodic fee for the duration of the agreement.

On the other hand, purchasing a reconditioned stairlift is more cost-effective in the long run, as you only need to pay the full cost upfront.

This option may be more suitable for those who anticipate needing the stairlift for an extended period or who prefer to own their mobility equipment outright.

Ultimately, the decision to rent or buy a reconditioned stairlift will depend on your individual circumstances, budget, and long-term mobility needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Second-Hand Stairlifts Worth Anything?

Considering the cost of purchasing a brand-new stairlift, second-hand models offer a great alternative for those on a budget.

For those willing to research the market thoroughly, second-hand stairlifts can represent a savvy investment that provides financial savings and peace of mind.

What is the Average Cost of a Stairlift in the UK?

On average, stair lifts in the UK can cost anywhere between £2,000 and £10,000 but vary depending on the type of lift, the length and complexity of the staircase, as well as any additional features needed.

Generally speaking, a straight stairlift costs between £2,000 and £4,000 while the lower price of a curved stairlift typically runs between £5,000 and £10,000.

How Long Should a Stairlift Last?

A stairlift should last between 10 and 15 years, depending on the frequency of its use. Regular maintenance and quick response to signs of malfunctioning are essential to get the most out of the stair lift product.

With these steps taken, you should expect your stairlift to provide reliable service for many years.


In conclusion, reconditioned stairlifts offer a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution for those seeking to improve their mobility and independence in their homes.

By understanding the reconditioning process, types of stairlifts available, pricing and installation considerations, top brands, safety features and warranties.

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As well as the pros and cons of renting versus buying, you are now well-equipped to make an informed decision on the best-reconditioned stairlift for your needs.

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