20+ Years Experience

Specialist Stairlifts

How Much Will a Stairlift Cost?

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Having a stairlift model installed in your property will bring you a restoration of freedom, so that you can live comfortably without feeling any guilt or pressure of anyone else needing to help you.

Straight and curved stairlift prices and all other cost is an important point to consider when you are installing a brand new or reconditioned stairlift.

Talk To Our Stairlift Professionals

You should keep in mind that there is never a complete set price when you have a stairlift installed due to several factors needing to be considered.

These can include:

With the list of factors stated above, it is obvious to note that it would be extremely difficult to pin point exact stairlift prices.

To give our customers an average stairlift cost, we have listed some purchase price guides below.

Our list of average prices labelled are for those stairlift models that have no additional extras included, therefore, this would be a usual base price.

Some additional payments that you should consider would be stairlift check ups.

Most stairlift companies, alike ours, would always recommend safety checks should be completed by a certified professional engineer at least once a year to ensure that everything is up to scratch!

VAT Exemption

We want to make it incredibly clear to all of our customers that you should NEVER be charged VAT on any stairlifts is you are an individual.

The times where VAT might be applicable is only when you are a council purchasing or a care home, but without this, according to the Notice 701/7 VAT reliefs for disabled people (Aug 2002) VAT should not be charged.

Many stairlift manufacturers and companies will use statements and slogans to pronounce them knocking off VAT, however, this is primarily to close the sale with customers.

Warranty will always be included. Even when you have bought a reconditioned stairlift. There has been very limited reports of any stairlift breakages within our company, however, warranty is always advised just in case!

Warranty Period

Warranty is an additional cost, however, it will cover any breakdown issues and replacement of any broken parts within the time frame arranged.

We always believe that warranty is a great point to add when discussing prices due to giving every customer some form of reassurance they might need.

You might be wondering, does it matter if my stairlift is on the right or left hand side of the staircase? The price will not differ at all when you are looking at the side of the staircase, however, we will always assess the surrounding to ensure you get the best fit.

How Do I Know Which Model to Choose?

There are two mainly predominant models of stairlift that can be built upon in this industry, these being straight stairlifts and curved stairlifts.

Choosing between straight or curved also comes along with the different addition features to add and whether you would like a reconditioned model.

Viewing further above in this article will disclose the price comparisons of these models, which can help you to choose which would be better suited to you.

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Choosing the specific model will be crucial as different features included can benefit different people. You might find that a reconditioned straight stairlift with remote controls would suit an elderly lady with arthritis, or a curved stairlift with a harness and swivel seats might suit a young man with broken legs.

It is all very dependable on situation in this industry, however, being thoroughly educated in this industry, our team are here to provide complete assessment of the space and help with choosing the greatest stairlift for your property and bespoke needs.

Get a free home assessment from the best stairlift company around!


we have gathered a large number of 5 stair reviews from many of our amazing customers throughout our years of instalment in the industry.

Here are just a few!

I was worried that the reconditioned stairlift prices would be way too much for me to afford, but the team helped me to realise how affordable the stairlift truly was! I have had my straight reconditioned stairlift for 3 years already and NEVER had any issues.

If you have ever been wondering ‘how much does a stairlift cost?’ talking with this team has answered all of my questions. I learnt all about different stairlift costs along with the installation cost and the stairlift installation process. Thank you for all of your help… you really are the best in the business.

Stairlift pricing was a major worry for my husband and I but we were determined to have a stairlift installed so that my husband could stay at home. The qualified stairlift engineer team installed an amazing curved stairlift in our home at a very reasonable price. Very impressed- will be recommending to many friends.

Stairlift Price FAQ’s

Due to having numerous questions compiled from our customers, we have made a short list of frequently asked questions that you might be interested in!

How much does a straight stairlift cost?

The average cost of straight stairlifts is around £2,000.

If you have narrow stairs or a longer staircase, you can expect the prices to increase.

How much does a curved stairlift cost?

The average price of a curved stairlift with a single curve will be £4,000.

If you have more than one curve in your staircase, you should expect to see higher costs involved.

Do you pay VAT on stairlift?

The only time a person would need to pay VAT on a stairlift is if they were council purchased or a care home bought it.

When a person is disabled or chronically ill, you will never have to pay VAT on a stairlift.

Why are curved stairlifts more expensive?

The manufacturing costs of a curved stairlift is much higher as the railing is curved and the dimensions are different.

Are there any ongoing costs when running a stairlift?

Other than electricity used to make the stairlift go, there are not any additional costs. You could count the warranty in this, however, this will come with your stairlift any way so it is no extra.

How much does repairing a stairlift cost?

You will find that to get a stairlift repaired, the maintenance costs and contract will cover this. Do note that not all maintenance contracts are the same, therefore, you should always ensure that you read it thoroughly.

How much is a maintenance contract?

A maintenance contract will start from around £250 per year. Alike many package deals, the more years of maintenance cover you purchase at a time, the least you will have to pay.

Is it possible to rent a stairlift?

You will be happy to know that it is definitely possible to rent a stairlift! This is just one of the amazing services we provide to our customers.

How much does renting a stairlift cost?

To rent a stairlift with our team, you would be looking at a typical price of £12 per week when looking for a straight stairlift and £17 per week when you look for a curved stairlift.

There are extra prices that also come with this, which is the installation fee being £350 as a starting price for straight staircases and £950 for a curved staircase.


We hope you found our stairlift cost page useful, and please feel free to get in touch with us if you are interested in learning more about what we can do for you.

Our experienced team are on hand to help you with any stair lift questions you may have, so do feel free to get in contact today.

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