20+ Years Experience

Specialist Stairlifts

Thyssenkrupp Stairlifts

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Imagine a world where mobility is no longer a challenge within your own home, where staircases are easily conquered with the help of a reliable and stylish stairlift.

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Thyssenkrupp, a leading name in mobility solutions, has brought this world to life with their innovative stairlifts – designed to adapt to your unique needs and home environment.

Thyssenkrupp Stairlift Models

Thyssenkrupp offers two exceptional stairlift models that cater to a wide range of needs: Flow 2 and Comfort.

Each model is designed to accommodate different types of staircases, ensuring a perfect fit for your home.

With their exclusive features, such as joystick control and helical rail options, Thyssenkrupp has established itself as a top choice among stairlift suppliers, offering reliable home solutions trusted by local authorities and homeowners alike.

Flow 2 Stairlift

The Flow 2 Stairlift is an ingenious solution for homes with narrow or curved staircases. Its innovative design and patented ASL technology allow the stairlift to navigate curved stairs and tight corners and accommodate stair angles of 28 to 52 degrees, as well as helicals.

Its discreet 80mm rail ensures seamless integration into your home, while the customisable options, such as seat covering colours and fabrics, vinyl or leather upholstery, and straight or wrap-around armrests, allowing you to personalise the stairlift to your preferences.

With a load capacity of 125kg, the Flow 2 Stairlift is designed to provide a very safe ride and comfortable ride for users.

The choice of joystick controls and the option of manual or powered swivel seats add to the convenience and ease of use of this remarkable stairlift.

The variety of rail colours available, such as white, black, silver, and grey, ensures that your Flow 2 Stairlift becomes an aesthetically pleasing addition to your home.

Comfort Stairlift

The Comfort Stairlift is specifically designed for straight stairs, offering a slim and sleek solution to enhance mobility within your home.

Its single rail design and adjustable seat height provide a perfect fit for staircases as narrow as 740mm.

The powered swivel seat offers added convenience, allowing users to enter and exit the curved stairlift, without having to manually turn the seat.

In addition to its functional advantages, the Comfort Stairlift also offers a range of customisation options.

Choose from a selection of fabric or vinyl upholstery in various colours to match your interior décor.

With its elegant design and adaptability, the Comfort Stairlift is an excellent choice for homes with straight, narrow staircases.

Customisation and Design Options

One of the highlights of Thyssenkrupp stairlifts is the ability to customise them to suit your individual needs and preferences.

With a range of rail colours and upholstery choices, you can create a stairlift that not only enhances your mobility but also complements your home’s interior design.

Rail Colours

Thyssenkrupp understands the importance of aesthetics and offers a variety of different rail colours, to ensure your stairlift blends seamlessly with your home’s interior.

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Choose from white, black, silver, or grey rails to match your staircase and surrounding décor.

With these diverse options, you can create a stairlift that is both functional and visually appealing.

Upholstery Choices

In addition to rail colours, Thyssenkrupp stairlifts also offer a selection of upholstery options to suit your personal taste.

You can choose from fabric or vinyl upholstery in a variety of colours and textures. For those seeking a more luxurious touch straight stairlift front, leather upholstery options are also available.

These customisable features ensure that your stairlift not only provides enhanced mobility but also reflects your unique style.

Powered Swivel Seats

For added convenience and ease of use, Thyssenkrupp stairlifts are equipped with powered swivel seats. This feature allows users to easily enter and exit the stairlift without having to manually lift and turn the seat.

With a focus on user-friendliness and accessibility, the powered swivel seats further enhance the overall experience of owning a Thyssenkrupp stairlift.

Thyssenkrupp Stairlift Prices and Buying Guide

When it comes to purchasing a stairlift, the average price can be anywhere between £2000 to £10,000 so it’s essential to consider the various factors that can influence the price.

Thyssenkrupp offers a range of pricing options, from reconditioned straight stairlifts to custom curved stairlifts, ensuring that you find the right stairlift to suit your budget and needs.

New vs Reconditioned Stairlifts

When choosing a stairlift, one of the main factors to consider is whether to opt for a new or reconditioned model.

A new stairlift will generally be more expensive but offers better quality and reliability. Moreover, a new stairlift often comes with the latest technology and features, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride.

On the other hand, a reconditioned stairlift can be a more budget-friendly option, though it may not offer the same level of quality and dependability as a new stairlift.

However, reconditioned stairlifts undergo thorough testing and inspections to ensure they meet safety standards and function correctly.

Ultimately, the choice between a new or reconditioned stairlift will depend on your individual preferences, budget, and requirements.

Factors Affecting Price

Several factors can influence the cost of a stairlift, including the type of motor, weight capacity, and type of seat.

Additionally, installation fees, extra features, and promotional offers may also have an impact on the final price.

It’s essential to consider these factors when evaluating different stairlift manufacturers and models to ensure you make an informed decision that meets your needs and budget.

Warranty and Aftercare Services

Investing in a stairlift is a significant decision, and it’s crucial to have the peace of mind that your investment is protected through warranty coverage and aftercare services.

Thyssenkrupp works with reseller companies to provide comprehensive warranty and aftercare support for their stairlifts.

Let’s explore the warranty coverage and aftercare services available to Thyssenkrupp stairlift owners.

Warranty Coverage

Thyssenkrupp offers a lifetime warranty on all its stairlifts.

This warranty covers all parts and labour for the duration of the warranty period, ensuring that you can enjoy your stairlift with confidence and peace of mind.

With such comprehensive coverage, you can rest assured that your Thyssenkrupp stairlift will be a lasting and reliable investment.

Maintenance and Support

In addition to warranty coverage, it’s essential to have access to ongoing maintenance and support services for your stairlift.

Thyssenkrupp reseller companies provide maintenance and repair services, as well as offering advice and support to customers.

Regular servicing, ideally on an annual basis, helps to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your stairlift, while support services are available to assist with any repairs or troubleshooting issues that may arise.


In conclusion, Thyssenkrupp stairlifts offer an exceptional range of innovative and reliable mobility solutions, catering to various needs and preferences.

Whether you require a stairlift for a narrow, curved staircase or a straight one, Thyssenkrupp’s Flow 2 and Comfort models provide the perfect solution.

With an array of customisation options, including rail colours, upholstery choices, and powered swivel seats, you can create a stairlift that not only enhances your mobility but also complements your home’s interior design.

Talk To Our Professionals

As you consider investing in a stairlift, it’s crucial to weigh the factors that can affect the price, such as new versus reconditioned models and additional features.

With comprehensive warranty coverage and aftercare services provided by reseller companies, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your investment is protected.

Thyssenkrupp’s dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction makes their stairlifts a top choice for enhancing mobility and independence within your home.

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